
22 December 2022

Food Shortages Are No Joke!

You've all heard this before. The difference is, this is the last time...

A lot is going on in our country right now. Prices of virtually everything are sky high. We are seeing the beginning of hyper-inflation. Fuel prices are making it hard to do any traveling that is not absolutely necessary. Even just going to work is a difficult. Lumber prices are through the roof which is dramatically affecting new home prices. Groceries are WAY higher than they have ever been and continue to rise and food shortages are becoming very apparent. To top it all off, the chances of being launched into WW III continue to be a concern. 

You guys know all this. Most of you also know that I have been heavily involved in disaster preparedness for my whole life, literally. I have taught many, many classes on it, written a book about it, researched and sold products concerning it and have tried to help people at every turn. I am also the Emergency Preparedness Coordinator at my church.

Food, water, medical supplies and the training to use them, alternative power, defense and communications are all vital issues that will affect how well we weather this storm.

I've warned you this whole year about the upcoming price increase for Survival Tabs. Every time I ordered, I thought it would be the last time I could get them at that price. I know y'all have been thinking I was crying wolf but it's finally here. I got a call last week from the sales rep that I dealt with when I had my store and the price is definitely going up at the first of the year. Its not going to be pretty. Beyond any shadow of a doubt, this will be the last time I'll be able to order at this price. Not only is the price going up, demand during these turbulent times is higher than ever. 
 The average price on Amazon is $45 for a single bottle but I am offering this potentially life-saving product for $28 one last time. In order to get this price AND free shipping, you will have to order a minimum of 5 bottles.  Ordering information is at the bottom of this message.

I've posted this several times but for those of you that are not yet familiar with Survival Tabs, here's the deal...
 Survival Tabs are lightweight, compact, very inexpensive and can keep you alive and healthy for long periods of time, maybe even indefinitely.

The following is from the last email to refresh your memory and for the new folks...

"I have personally used and sold Survival Tabs now for about 15 years. They are nutritious, long-lasting and compact. The average person only needs 12 tablets per day to provide all the nutrition necessary to get by with no other supplement except water! I'VE DONE IT! 180 tablets in a bottle provides you with 15 days worth of food for only 28 bucks!! You literally cannot grow your own food this cheap and you can put a year's supply for one person in a small suitcase. They are invaluable for trips, camping, hiking, emergencies or long-term food storage. They come in 4 delicious flavors; chocolate, strawberry, butterscotch and vanilla malt and have a shelf-life of 25+ years!

I'm doing this for friends, family and students because I feel a sense of urgency. This company has not raised its prices for a very, very long time but they are  doing it by the 1st of the year.
Note: Again, the price increase is here now! They will never be offered at this price again."

If any of you have any questions or concerns about this or any other preparedness issue, PLEASE don't hesitate to give me a holler! I will help as much as I can. You can message me on Gab or Facebook for payment information and my phone number will be provided to those that receive this via email or text.

Because I am offering these tablets at such a low price, I cannot accept credit cards because of the fees. I have, in fact, closed my PayPal account which is how I used to take cards so here's how you can pay...

* Zelle, using this email address... Username: Desertscout1

I wasn't going to allow Venmo this time either but out of necessity, I must so for Venmo, the username is also Desertscout1.

* Postal money order to:

Cope Reynolds
650 N. Penrod Rd #554
Show Low, AZ 85901

* If you are local, of course I will accept cash or check
If you have any problems, get a hold of me and we'll work it out.

I plan to make this order on Friday, December 30th so I will need to have payment in hand NLT that day! I know it's short notice but if we're going to beat this price increase, we don't have a choice.

In Liberty,
Cope Reynolds


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